Kids, Seasons, Seattle, And Canucks

I volunteer at my youngest son’s kindergarten class. I am quite enjoying this and I get to hear some funny things from the kids.

I had to read a short book, about 12 pages, 2-3 sentences a page. There was a picture accompanying each group of sentences.

The pictures and sentences related to a season. I had to ask some open questions that the kids had to answer. This is where things got funny.

Photo: Two kids standing in rain with rain boots and raincoats.

Q: What would you wear if it was raining?

A: Rain boots, raincoats.

Q. When would you need that?
A. When it rains.

Hmmm, ok, let’s clarify for them, this is about seasons.

Q. What season would you need this?

A. All the time, it rains here every season.

Got me there, this is Seattle.

Q. Ok, well does it rain in the Summer, most of the time?
A. No.

Ok, we can mark Summer as not needing rain gear.

Onto next page, but I am onto you kids now; I must state, what season in the question. Ready, good, gotcha.

Q. What season would you go swimming?
A. Any time, we go to the gym to go swimming.

Q. Right, the rain. Ok, well if you were going to swim outside in say an outdoor pool, lake, or river, what season would that be?
A. Most said Summer but some said never. They don’t do that.

Ok, fair enough.

Next one, let’s see, kids on a pond skating. Great. Easy.

Q. What season would you go skating?
A. Anytime, you only skate indoors.

Right, 5-6 years old raised most of their life in Seattle. Not much opportunity to go skating outdoors.

I then explained that my son, their classmate, and his family (including me) are from Canada and up there we skate on ponds and lakes. The kids, “No way!”

I proceeded to tell them about skating on canals and rivers and they looked at me like I told them the sky was orange.

Oh well, crazy Canucks.


Now read this

Red Track Suit

I got my red track suit on I pull on my new straw hat Don’t wait around honey bee I’m taking a walk and won’t be back I pass the kids skating past They oughta stop talking smack They got friends who ain’t here Cause their poppy I whacked... Continue →