Dad: Superhero

I don’t know when I realized my Dad was not a superhero. I knew he was stronger, wiser, and more powerful than me for a long time. Then one day that changed and I realized he was a normal guy, my Dad, and that was cool.

Now I am a Dad and on the flip side of this equation. My kids, 2 boys, they still think their Dad is a superhero.

Them: “Dad, are you going to win that race?”
Me: “No kids, I am just going to go do it for fun.”
Them: “But you can win it Dad, why don’t you want to?”

Today my oldest, 8 years old, said that someone’s Dad was in the Olympics and so the kid and his family got free tickets for the Olympics. Hence, I should be in the Olympics, then they could go and watch me.

I told them I am too old and not a professional athlete so that is not really possible. I then let them know, that their family can go to the Olympics for free some day. They asked how.

Me: “You pick your sport, you work hard at it every day, and I will support you. Then one day, we will all go to watch you boys.”

They thought about that a bit. Gave a nod and went back to eating dinner.

I think they thought that was an ok idea.

Dads, superheros in more ways than one.


Now read this

Song: Dirty Sheets

I was doing laundry one day when this song came to me. I started hollering it and turned the lyrics into a song about a womanizing guy who can’t keep a woman before she discovers dirty sheets from when she was not there. Then she leaves... Continue →