Ways to make the kids laugh with Spelling Bee Practice

The kids are doing a Spelling Bee at school. With that and their word lists they must know, for their respective grades, we are doing a lot of spelling practice at home.

This morning they decided to spring a Trap On Dad! They were going to quiz me.

I played along and answered a couple wrong, but very sillily wrong.

Then I got a good idea and waited for them to hit one of the big words (I figured they would switch to much harder ones when I got a couple correct). They went right for the word I wanted: something.

T1: Dad, spell something.

Me: Hmm, ok, Mark, M-A-R-K.

T1: Nooo!

Me: Nooo, N-O-O-O.

T2: No Dad, you have to spell something.

Me: Ok, how about turtle, T-U-R-T-L-E

T1 & T2: NOO Dad, you need to spell the word..

Me: Word, W-O-R-D.

T1 & T2: Hahahahaha

Me: Hahahaha, H-A-H-A-H-A-H-A.

T1 & T2: Hehehehehe

Me: Hehehehehe, H-E-H-E-H-E-H-E-H-E.

T1 & T2:

This went on for a several minutes before we moved onto other morning chores, but we had a huge laugh from it. We then did it again tonight at dinner for my wife’s amusement.


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