10 Ideas: Ways to Catch a Fish

My kids love fishing and have come up with many ideas (some they have tried) to catch a fish. Here are 10 of the ways we have tried or not in the case of the ones I have informed them are illegal.

  1. With a fishing rod: The obvious first choice.
  2. With your hands: Difficult but not impossible. Check out Noodling for one example.
  3. With a net: Easier than your hands.
  4. With a bomb: Ok, this works if you drop in in the water. But not exactly safe or legal.
  5. With a hook tied to the end of a stick: Called Gaffing and not legal in many places. Though I must say, my boys have some good ideas.
  6. With candy: Hey, if we like it, the fish must like it, right?
  7. With the canoe: Just submerge it, wait for fish to arrive and then haul it out. Like a canoe full of water if going to be easy to pull out. Whatever, Dad is strong!
  8. Put them in fish tank: Well with less space they sure will be easier to catch.
  9. Throw a rock as big as the lake in the lake and splash all the water out: Ok, that would work but I think the fish would be under the rock. Also, that would be one big rock and I don’t think we would still be near the lake when it hit. But hey, details.
  10. With a hook on a string: Ok, that one works and it’s called jigging/handline. Done it myself in the Atlantic for Cod fish as a boy.

All in all, some good ideas from those boys of mine.


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